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B League Winter Standings | 12.26.2023

Team 1 - Mark, Jim and PJ won our session 1 team competition with a total of 36 points.

Team 2 - Paul, Tom and Bryan was a close second with 33 points

Team 4 Tina, Joe and Britt finished with 27 points

Team 3 - Jeff, Adam and Dick finished with 17 points.

We had 2 mini tournament brackets. Tina won her bracket with 48 points while Joe and PJ tied in the 2nd bracket with 43 points.

Session 2 starts January 10th and we're still looking to add a few more players, they can contact Joe Stanz at 716-640-1631 if anyone is interested. All skill levels are welcome.


1 Paul Santandreu

2 Mark Pietrocarlo

3 Tina Weber

4 Jeff Giovino

5 Jim House

6 Tom O'Connor

7 PJ Gervase

8 Joe Stanz

9 Adam Manzella

10 Britt Munnell

11 Bryan Tramantona

12 Dick O'Connor

13 Tony Guzzetta

14 Glenn Potkowa

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